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Use a Lookup field to pull part of an entry in a Text field


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I wonder if there is a way to use a lookup field to pull parts of a text entry.

Let me explain: I have a text field that is constantly repeating some common text. So I made a lookup field that pulls entries from another form, like "Predefined concepts", and a text field called "Concepts" is copying text from there. But sometimes some words need to be added to that text (in the Text field), and it works OK, but if I try to edit the entry later, the text field Concepts copies again the original entry from Predefined Concepts. So those extra words are lost in the edition.

Is there a way to prevent a field from being copied again in the edit mode? Please ask if I didn't explain myself properly.

Mmmh, I 've found a work-around for this. Using two fields: one Lookup and one Text. If the text is commonly used, I use the lookup field. If not or I want to add text, use the text field only.

Then I concatenate the result in a third (Text) field. Not a fan of extra fields, but it works fine.

I think if I wanted to edit the copied text field from the lookup field and keep it, that will need extra-code.

Discussion closed.