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View entries under categories and multiple categories
We have a form that you can put in an entry like a hospital or a cancer org with contact info etc.
Making the form was easy.
Displaying the entries in alphabetical order as titles (org names) as collapsibles was easy.
Getting them to fall under categories was harder but I got that working EXCEPT...
If you select multiple categories it creates a brand new "combined" category with nothing under it while still working correctly for the regular categories.
As a test, Access-VR was added to General, Food Bank and Performing Arts.
Access-VR correctly shows under General, Food Bank and Performing Arts but suddenly a new category appears called:
General, Food Banks, Performing Arts
No Entries Found
(You can see this in the attached image.)
I followed advice from the site and forum... using the states/cities example:
Organize View by a field
I added a drop down option to my form listing what I want to be thought of as categories.
Food Banks
Fraternal Organizations
Health and Well-Being
Local Government Offices
Performing Arts
Religious Organizations
Schools and Colleges
Senior Services
Social Services
Special Interest Groups
Selecting/applying one of these to an entry works exactly as I want it.
If you select more than one, everything works correctly BUT in addition a new category appears formed from the multiply selected categories with no entries found even though those entries appear correctly under those categories.
General, Food Banks, Performing Arts
No Entries Found
The above gets created and shows as a category if you make a multiple selection.
(You can see this in the attached image.)
I created two views:
One to display entries
Filter Entries: Categories (field) is equal to [get param="header"]
The other to break it into cats (like the states/cities example)
In content
<div class="comres-cat-title">[330]</div>
[display-frm-data id=15159 header="[330]" filter=1]
Filter Entries: Categories (field) is unique (gets oldest entries)
Any advice?
I prefer not to add any php to my functions.php file.
February 27, 2018 at 1:40 pm
Same problem here, this formidable forms isn't exactly formidable really... except perhaps in the MASSIVE problems it presents once you get past anything but the basics - it really sucks because it takes so long to set these things up and then you find your self screwed into a corner and unable to do anything about it :(
Discussion closed.