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Weird Class Error Warning:


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array_merge(): Argument #1 is not an array in home/lb41/public_html/wp-content/plugins/formidable/classes/helpers/FrmFieldsHelper.php on line 60

I"m finding some forms dont' show.

It shows:


    • : array_merge(): Argument #1 is not an array in


    •  on line



Any ideas what could cause this? I have the latest version.

This is the line of code that's generating the error:

$field_array = array_merge( $field->field_options, $field_array );

According to your error message, the error is produced by $field->field_options not being an array. Every Formidable field has a field_options array. It contains either the default values or the values entered by a user when the change a field's options on the build screen.

Truthfully, without seeing a backtrace or examining the values of the arrays in the code, the next ideas are only guesses. The error message you've captured in your post isn't enough to go on.

Do you have any custom code or plugins that created a new field for Formidable? But even if a dev omitted field options in creating a custom field, Formidable inserts default options. So, the field_options array should always exist.

The other thing I'm guessing at is a plugin conflict. Disable all plugins except Formidable. Does the error go away? If so, turn on each plugin one at a time and test again. Does the error return? If yes, you've found the conflict.

Last, try reinstalling Formidable and Formidable Pro through FTP. Perhaps a file got corrupted during the install or last update.

If you can't find the problem, perhaps you should consider hiring a dev to help troubleshoot the issue. If it was a bug in Formidable, it would be happening to everybody, everywhere. I'm running Formidable on many, many sites without ever encountering this issue.

One last thing I just thought of...what version of PHP are you running? If you're running an old version, it could create havoc with modern plugins.



What's weird is that it used to work!

I don't have custom code
I have the latest php PHP 7.2 (ea-php72)
All plugins off + default theme = problem still.
in PHPMyadmin I see Formidable is utf8mb4_unicode_ci

I think I'll migrate this form to Brandquiz as it's got a cleaner look and this just forced me to do it!

Thanks for helping debug. I was hoping it was a simple thing!


Discussion closed.