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About The Site
HOAhomepage is a national network of community associations (HOAs). Think of a LinkedIn business profile, where homeowners connect with the community, other homeowners and product and services providers who service the community and individual homeowners. The site facilitates B2B, B2C and C2C transactions, as well as public snapshot of the community.
How Formidable is Used
My vision of the functionality of my site was very specific. Before considering custom code, I reviewed and tested dozens of WP plugins (both free and premium versions) and all fell short, because they were not flexible enough to allow customization. Formidable changed everything, after testing it extensively, I found that the more I dug into it, the more flexibility I discovered it had. And after using Formidable for about a year now, I have found that no matter what functionality I can imagine, Formidable provides a way to create it.
My site now has over 94k listed communities in three states and I have no concerns about growth. The site is dependent on over 75 formidable forms that target specific behavior and preferences of a very diverse user base. From an analytical standpoint, I am able, through formidable forms to track specific features to measure the effectiveness of features and the preferences of specific user groups. I can't think of a more useful tool.
Custom code has been used on this site.
Add-ons and features used on this site: User Registration, Bootstrap Modal