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About The Site
Our website is a not for profit portal to allow young people to apply for local job opportunities. We take down the details each year (our new intake starts one day after this competition closes) of potential candidates and then use this info to support them through mock interviews, tests and 1-2-1 support to find the right job for them. We have several hundred students in paid work at any time.
How Formidable is Used
Moving to Formidable has been absolutely fantastic. We previously had a bespoke system that, although 100% designed for our use case, made our lives difficult by not being flexible and adaptable to changes in our marketplace. Formidable makes it incredible easy to change not only the data we collect but the whole workflow of who receives applications and the info they work with.
For an incredibly small cost of formidable, plus a surprisingly quick turnaround to build we have saved a whole bunch of staff time and it'll just keep paying us back every year.
We did try using a couple of competitors products first (sorry) and found that all the ones we tried bogged down horribly. This is probably due to our application form being massive and with lots and lots of conditional sections but its heartbreaking to spend all that time working on something for it to fall over at the last minute.
Thanks Formidable, you Rock!
Add-ons and features used on this site: Mailchimp, User Tracking