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Peter Naughton Productions
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About The Site
Mobile event DJ, specializing in weddings, located near Syracuse, New York, USA. Two Formidable-powered forms on the site are both dynamic: one handles initial service inquiries and the other is for clients to submit their wedding day itineraries and song choices.
How Formidable is Used
Formidable's dynamic (conditional) form capability has been a game-changer for me. Providing accurate price quotes for wedding DJ services can be tricky. My original inquiry form (pre-Formidable) was not dynamic, so I had to keep it simple. It worked, but it always required me to ask several follow-up questions before I could provide a quote. Most customers were OK with that, but some never responded. I realized I needed a system where I could get all the info I need at once, to include a quote in my first response. Formidable has allowed me to do that. My inquiry form has lots of conditional elements: certain responses to certain questions will either cause other questions to appear or disappear. The form is split into 5 pages, but the client will only see 4: one of the intermediate pages has 2 versions (wedding or non-wedding). You can see this form in action at
My other form is offered to wedding clients after they have booked. New for 2017, the "Wedding Planning Form" replaces what used to be a 4-page paper form that I had been using for the past 7 years. It walks couples through the timeline of their wedding day, from the standpoint of decisions, times and choices that I need to know, as the DJ and emcee of the event. Again, lots of dynamic items: as you go through, you'll see some questions will appear or disappear as choices are made. I also made it so that couples could save a partially-completed form, and come back anytime to keep working on it. When they're ready to submit it to me, the submit button generates an email to me, but the responses remain intact in case the couple still needs to fill-in any missing items or if they want to make any changes. If they forget to submit, I know I can still see their responses in the "views" section of the WordPress admin.
Because of the "partial save" feature, I do have to set-up each client with a login and password, and the form is only open to logged-in users. I've created an account for Formidable so you can see it for yourself.
[ username: formidable // pass: Formida?le$howc@se ]
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