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Dogs On Camera Superstars
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About The Site
Dogs On Camera are Animal Consultants for Film, TV, Stage and Advertising. We have a large portfolio of dogs and other animals that are available to work in front of the camera. Lead consultant and founder of Dogs on Camera, Sandra Strong, is a trained Veterinary Nurse, dog trainer and behaviourist. She has supplying services to film and theatre for many years and her animals appear in top TV and Film productions. Sandra also runs Perfect Dog, a dog training school based in London, offering a wide range of training and care services. Buddy actors can enrol in her Film School to prepare themselves for life in front of the camera.
How Formidable is Used
Using Formidable we have constructed a members area where visitors can register their dog on the website. Once registered they can add photos and details of their pet and then publish the dog on the website. We have use a membership plugin to manage monthly subscription payments, image cropper plugin to provide greater control over photo upload and presentation. For further information please contact Nick Amis (
Custom code has been used on this site.
Add-ons and features used on this site: Views, User Registration, Mailchimp, Formidable API, Stripe, Form Action Automation