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About The Site
Badgeventure is "digital literacy gamefied project based platform" for children based on Cambridge ICT Standard.
Teachers and students can create challenges in format of projects.
The system automatically assesses students' responses that verify that project execution followed the educational objectives of the client school and rewards them with medals in accordance with the technological competency assigned in the creation of the challenge project.
Teachers can manage students, groups of students and gradding levels direcionando os desafios projetos para os níveis relativos. Students can evaluate de execution e products of the execution of other students and give them feedback in platform, so everyone improves the execution of everyone.
How Formidable is Used
Permission system for access de conteúdo e formulários
Evaluation System of execution of projects by students
Medal System
Project Challenges Creation System
Students Group Management System
Gradding System
Recursive Forms System for Quiz System - "Formidable Forms that generates other Formidable Forms inside views", for when questions inside the challenges are created, the teachers shold be capable of create multiple choice questions forms without access to WordPress, indicating the right choices for the automatic evaluation system that is based on statistics system of Formidable too.
Custom code has been used on this site.
Add-ons and features used on this site: Views, User Registration, Bootstrap, Bootstrap Modal, Form Action Automation